Let us introduce ourselves

A Little About Us

We Glory Event Planners, has vast experience in the field of Events Handlings. 

We help the clients to customize and select the type and size of the event venue, we work hand in hand according to the clients requirements and budget, these are some common works we undertake,

  • Researching and Securing venues for the event
  • Coordinating with Vendors and Suppliers to secure necessary services and materials (Such as Food, Amenities, Water, Electricity, Audio Visual Support etc.)
  • Developing and Managing Budgets according to needs
  • Creating event Timelines and Schedules
  • Coordinating with event staff, including Photographers, DJs, Catering Staff and Security personnel
  • Overseeing the Setup and Breakdown of the event
  • Handling any issues or problems that arise during the event
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